Wednesday 17 August 2011

Friends –stop giving wrong advice


Friends –stop giving wrong advice J

Say it straight-“He is not into you “

We girls never forget the first guy we liked; even though he treated   us back like shit…this is how it happened …when our small Angel was sitting and looking lovingly at him playing football , suddenly the foot ball came flying and hit at angel’s  head  ,kicked of course by the same guy she was looking at ….when the bond  came rushing in for asking her ball back, with absolute no sorry expression ,my  angel almost  forgot  her pain  ,!!!Dude came with an attitude, gives angel a stern look and shouts “why are u sitting here u weird looking dumb girl!”Go away or I will beat you!!!eeh .and push the angel harshly   on ground !!!ohhh the poor angel cries loud and walk out of park where she bumps into    a teenager girl ,because usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom ,,she   wiped    her tears heard her  whole story .and then the  cute question “why did he do that????” the poor angel asked sobbing, she spoke   babes “ its because he likes you ,you should be happy because the guy  came towards you , at least this incident  initiated conversation between you two ,isn’t you should be thanking god !!!!              That little boy is doing those terrible things. Because he's got a crush on you.

Ohh yes “Thank you di”I never knew this works this ways, holding her head but smiling broad she goes back to park and continue looking lovingly J
And that’s the beginning of our problems..

                         The angel now grows up to a girl in “high school “ …he is my best friend ,I copy home work for him ,help him pack his bag , when  I don’t have an extra pen still I give him my pen, whisper the answer when teacher ask any question to  him in class but he asked “Riya”for the prom night, not me !!! ….in her lunch break shared with her class mate, who gave her a tissue and said  “     here is the problem he likes you too much babes you should be patient ..He is not realizing his love for you, trust me he would come back cant you see how dependant is he on you” and the girl is happy again, you are right I was so foolish to loose hope, thanks  a ton giving her a chocolate my girl was about to eat .gets up swinging in air and thinking in heart I will make you more dependable on me (p.s in short I will be your maid )


                                                    Time passes ….the girl who is a young Lady now. After her first date walks out of the coffee house …calls her roommate “hey how was it”roomy asks.
 The lady continues With excitement in her voice “he was quite charming I guess he liked me too “  how do you know ???The roomy ask again, silly he said it was nice meeting you “it means Na he likes me!!The roomy nods yes I guess so!!!to avoid further conversation as his boyfriend was on other line, lady comes back home singing “truly madly deeply in loveeeeeeeeee  ,I m sure he is goona call me…the night passed…the morning too….ups its afternoon ,next evening ….again night no call ….i guess there is some network problem ,after every ten minutes she picks up her cell to check but no result found .               
                       !! !! next day with a gloomy face in  college  ….singing may be it was love ,but its over now …the girl in next bay hey why are you sad ?u came after date na? Wasn’t he good???
Lady cuts in no no no no no no n on no  he was too good, he even liked me ,gave me hug also when we parted, but he dint call me back …with a cute  expression the girl in next seat  says …ohhh !!!Just this come on, he might have lost your number, or may be he is sacked from his work,or could be his grand ma expired ,or any thing ….may be he got bumped by a car !!!Don’t worry he wud call you back… I guess you are right. I am too foolish to be so negative soon. Lets get back to project , I will get you coffee and she moves on to coffee machine,

Next two days passed that guy dint call back: the college friend cant see sad face of my girl  so here comes the next advice .
“who says ,it’s a guy who is supposed to call ,even girls can do that, stop waiting. Take the lead call him .i m sure he wud love it” lady raises his head from the  desk with swollen eyes ,I guess you are right ,I should have done this before ..Wait I will get some muffins for both of us from canteen and then i would call him.
After munching muffins, lady leaves a msg on his phone box “hey hi,how are u ??Thought to call you, it was very nice meeting you, you. Too said that, so lets have more nice time, waiting to hear from you byeee take care and yes its me …call back “..Again two days passed no call back .
.the roomy wanted some private time with her boyfriend alone so she suggests “to know about him why don’t you go to same pub where he told you he goes often”
Jumping out of bed  lady says -Ohhh that’s so sweet of you to enlighten me on this ,sorry dear you have to be alone for sometime since I am going ..Should I get you some thing??? pastries would do thanks roomy gives a smirk .and shouts  ask ppl around about him they must be knowing ……sure honey the lady waves her hand and goes out ….and thinks how concerned my roomy is.
                                 Oh roomy was so right “he is there but wait he is with some other girl, who she could be??? may be a friend, I should walk by he would definitely say hi,  Ohh !!!!he dint say ,so what let me drop hi , hey how come here !!!
Lady spoke with lot of trials to envibe surprise in her voice, the guy answers hi, yeah today we are celebrating..My love said yes to marry me!!!Meet her.


                                                           The pretty lady is a women now joined as HR in reputated  IT Firm .  The new Manager is hot ans so sweet !! she mumbled while Getting out of his cabin After explaining his responsibility with lot of joy In heart she  sits on her desk pushesthechairback in relaxing mode turn the speaker on with …………then  opening up the excel sheet, checks the details of new manger .hmm all perfect ..seems to be well behaved educated guy .a beap on her blackberry ,WHATTT ??? god u r so kind finally you are there to help me ,Manager has send me friend request on Fb..I thinks something has strike, like love at first sight.!!Hmm I should go and ask him if he is comfortable or not …and help him around ,and that’s what she did .needless to say what all . did he ask you out ??lady’s colleague asked?nopes she nooded,donnt worry ‘’He is not asking you out because he is just intidimated by your professional success…
After few months sharing her heart out with colleague After a client  meeting  “  see he is sending me all signals but just doesn’t say it straight –he has send me request on fb,he wished me on my birthday, we chat on yahoo. he compliments me I look nice. what else it shows he is interested in me ,isn’t it ???what should I do now I m confused, The colleague replies after deap thinking  “ if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you, I feel he is a shy guy he is afraid to express his love for you .might be he had some bad experience in his past relationship ,so u make an excuse and try to spend some private time with him ,make him comfortable ,might be then he speak his heart out”
Wow excellent idea!!!i will invite him for dinner .
On dinner  –the manager initiates the conversation ‘I am so happy that a girl like you is there in my life, it feels nice to be with people who are beautiful in and out. Lady blushes and talk in her heart, the colleague was so right he is opening up!!!  And says my pleasure .
Manager-if you don’t mind can I ask you something???Who is that guy with whom u have your pic in FB …??
YIPEE!!!He is getting possessive. Sign of love. The lady smiles and says .he is my cousin.
Ok, the manger looks straight in lady’s eye and say since we are so close now I want to tell you something I had been holding in my heart so long ….
Finally!!! go on I m hearing it .lady says slightly turning pink
I am in love. with your cousin ..can you fix up a date with him. I am a gay. just had a break up a year ago ,I got life back since saw that pic of yours with your cousin.
Manager was blocked from her  Face book forever.

                                                         Lady is women now .married ummm happily married…..writing  her Diary : my husband is damn good ,responsible and love me loads ..only problem is he doesn’t have much time for me he is too busy with his work…friends ….parents …socially …but I understand .he is very good by heart ,just doesn’t understand me at times and fights for no fault of mine, humiliates me publicly but he loves me I am sure about this ….Never mind. We respect each others space. But I get board in my space time. :( anyway that’s my problem not his .One day I saw some messages on his phone which were suggesting he was Wooing some girl., and I also noticed he is too much on phone with some girl  I told about this to my neighbour , she said  ohh these are husbands trick  he is just trying to make you jealous ,show as if you don’t care and it doesn’t affect you. “  I did,but actually it was affecting times I am too stupid,I shouldtrust my husband

                                           . Then I found that when he was out on weekend saying it’s a official tour with his boss, I found his boss with his wife in super market, oh I thought it might be a similar face and I am mistaken but that similar identity waved their hand and greeted me and further asked where was my husband???...When I told my sister about it she advice me  “oh come on may be you are getting extra demanding wife ,don’t try and control him, it might offend him “ point taken .i am quiet .the doorbell rang he is here I should shower extra love today to revive our marriage thought  Women, opened the door gave him warm long hug and offered coffee ,made his favorite dinner…”.darling lets talk it has been long time.” She said  looking down the husband said yes .i too wanna say something….Women held  his hand and ensured him that no matter what she would always be there….

‘ I slept with some one “husband said .
Silence with loudest noise in  her heart
She remembered advice by her Mother  “in such situation don’t be hyper ,settle down ,support your husband he might have been victim  of  situation or some wicked girl,he might be  wrong but he would realize and get back to you” tied by habits …she says ,we should talk about it in detail…
Husband-don’t you want to Divorce me?
Women –means???
Husband-I just thought, after hearing this would leave me.
Women-is that what you want…..
Husband-no…yes… no I mean..Yes…I mean i m guilt but I love her..

Why do we say these stuffs to each other is it possible that we are too scared to say obvious truth, How toWe are all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you.  and maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment... you never gave up hope. ..

Certain things should be taken at face value

1.       If a guy doesn’t notice you, its because for him you are  NOT SPECIAL

2.       If  a guy is depending on you may be he trust you, like you, respect you, not necessarily love you

3.       If a guy is not calling you, it’s just because he doesn’t want to….

4.       If the guy is sweet to you ,before making presumptions check may be he is sweet to all …that’s his 
na    nature, not your good looks that made him sweet exclusively for you.

5.       If some one has to return back to your life he will make his ways anyhow, you don’t have to make the route for him.

6.       There is nothing known as good by heart, if person is not behaving well, what would you do of his heart
7.       There is nothing like he is not realizing now…he loves you he would realize later and come back, even if he comes back might be the other girl kicked on him out and you are the foolish savior and recent only option left

8.       Don’t let yourself be treated like shit ,stop being maid  and be used for your silly feelings .write guy would come in your life without all this .and even if he doesn’t come .life is beautiful .trust me without them.

9.      Have the courage to say. what is wrong is wrong……don’t cover up.

10.    stop chasing .

11.   stop assuming why he is not behaving as u want him to

12.   he is with some other girl ,you can see it, don’t fool yourself that he is trying to make you jealous .he is  just  NOT INTO YOU

 If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what... That’s true.

let him go!!!!

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