Sunday 14 August 2011

Transition- Phase

“Not all who wander are lost,”

If this hadn't happened, I wouldn't have...."
"If he hadn't said that, I wouldn't have said...."
"If she would have done this, I wouldn't have done that...."
"If only he'd have done that, I could have...."
Transition is when we stop using these lines
Self realization not human revolution

Not hitting around the bushes ,to give introductory starting ,I cant resist my self from coming straight to the main point ,the phase we all reach ,an interesting  yet surprising feel ,a time when we look back and  actually smile ,it might come early or late but it will come ,after lot of  thought process, brain storming, sleepless nights, tears cries, sighs  through all cross roads  it would take time but when it reaches you, you feel ,it was worth the wait ….when the chase seems to be over !!! we stop looking back and start looking ahead with right  balancing and choosing wisely the options ahead irrespective of  emotions be more crisp when you even learn to convince your heart .The negotiation from life is stopped, the blames fades the anger melts down, positivity stops you from being negative even to those who made you cry like hell, since you know ,you can utilize that energy in making things positive for you…there is no anger, no hatred ,no complains ,neither from others nor from yourself. When you start accepting things as they are …the old wounds or memory don’t go but they get faded and those memory lack the power to bring same pain,or hurt you any further , control of life is in your hand ….mainly cribbing is over                                            !!!estrangement of wishes and dreams get a platform ,by the time SWOT analysis is done ,you know yourself much better, some practical things are very clear and those stupid trials to change them takes a back seat now .the one who had been most special to you still remains special but his/her reactions stop bothering you. You realize your real focus of life is not one person, you even realize your foolishness to be chasing it, what is done cannot be undone, unrequited attachments die natural death.
                  Clear vision of your goal and path to achieve it is   visible and nothing else matters, you get closer to your soul .its just not becoming saint its reaching that maturity level without any outer or external force, the voice of conscious gets loud and clear, Like art and pornography, wisdom is hard to pin down, but people generally recognize it when they encounter it.  The perfection of wisdom, fearlessness, and deep understanding that incorporates tolerance for the uncertainties of life as well as its ups and downs. There's an awareness of how things play out over time, and it confers a sense of balance.  an ability to see the big picture, a sense of proportion, and considerable introspection .
                                                     Emotional pollution will continue to spread rapidly as long as we confuse guilt with responsibility and think that if we're not guilty of anything, we are not responsible. And as long as we believe that our negative regard of others is justified or that they are deserving of whatever we do in response to their negativity, 
                    Looking back, what has mattered to you? Looking ahead, what do you want to keep on the front burner? Remembering to remember the big things. And to act upon them. Before it's too ability to express anger in healthy way, finally a peaceful sleep at night with surety of having good morning.


  1. naiiiiiceeee.............infact very naiceee.... :) :)
    right now..this blog is dominating you :) ..good work! :)

  2. it is sis ,truly and i am enjoying every bit of it !!!
