Friday 12 August 2011


Yes its Painful !!!and most difficult thing to cope up, but depends on which side of table you are, “you had been infidel or infidelity has been played on you” reaction of same person would vary in both situations ,infidelity  cannot be justified in any case, its wrong, but ironically exists universally too, the frequency  and intensity might vary!!! the excuses why one had been infidel  may vary, but it some how exists ,its most difficult thing to forgive and probably one can’t ever forgive this heartily ,its life time scratch .may be all of us are not infidel but might be for fraction of second ,the thought of infidelity crossed.

    Emotional infidelity is an infidelity that occurs through emotions, feelings or thoughts, rather than     physical in nature.over 70 percent of all women feels that emotional affairs could lead to physical affairs. An emotional affair can begin quite innocently and as time passes the information two people exchange becomes more intimate. As the trust factor increases, so does the curiosity, which many times ends up in a physical meeting. When a person is not getting their emotional needs met in a relationship, they seek it from someone who will give it to them.

All people want to be loved, acknowledged, validated and needed. Humans want to be desired. If those needs aren't getting met through their partner, they go online and find someone who meets their needs and begin cyber cheating There are plenty of strangers online who will fulfill those needs, especially if deceit is involved. Many people lie to the online strangers in order to get the attention they think they deserve. The person may tell the stranger how mean and distant their partner is so the stranger feels pity for them. Many married people tell online strangers they are “separated” or “divorcing” when this is far from the truth
Infidelity touches all types of people, rich or poor.
we spend half our lives trying to change ourselves into some sort of male fantasy. Real women aren't the size 0, airbrushed, so called goddesses we see on the silver screen and in fashion magazines. they’re normal everyday women who hold down jobs, take care of children and live on a budget, Women accept that as men get older they either gain weight, lose their hair, their teeth or indeed all three. that's life. we can accept men the way they are, so they should accept
                                        Physically infidelity or mental I which one is more crucial, I personally  choose mental because I can give one percent benefit of doubt to situations and circumstances in physical infidelity   but in mental u r cheating endlessly and making mockery of relationship you are in .Hugging someone  and thinking of someone else is unforgivable crime ,all those who had been infidel necessarily  are not bad people  they are weak characters ,bcz on should have strength of character to walk out of relationship if he/she doesn’t feel for it anymore, it is definitely heart breaking but can be  managed by the partner in question ,  if you feel for someone else say it and move our being honest Is the last thing you can gift your partner before this catch 22 situation arise  and with mature outlook you should be forgiven too bcz one can control the actions but not feelings ,
At times ppl choose to be infidel for fun, out of habit or as a fashion or to prove to the gang how cool they are but few are victims of situations still that is not valid reason for them to escape the blame, weak ppl easily get victim of evil ,strong one fight back where as weak man give in soon .momentary pleasure can only lead u too strangled life, guilt and insecurity 4 life time .

Recently heard a new concept called ‘multipartner” ,sorry ppl those who are not liking it but how can partner be multiple it gave an eeegh feeling partners never supposed to be multiple .few things in life are one ,special one unique one !!!its such a nice feel to have someone who is 100% yours if u cant give back that  hundred percent  of course u wud get back in fractions too !!! And would be devoid of beautiful feel forever you might say who wants it ??But deep down  in your heart you know you want it truly deeply madly!!,nothing in this world can substitute the joy of getting up in morning and seeing your self in your partners eye!!!!Try it once its damn better then arranging time tables when to meet whom. Excuses when to rude and when to be sweet to the crowd you are involved with .
Another funny term:” Nine to five spouse” ,well we all know that we spend 90% of our time in work place and its natural to be inclined and be affectionate towards co worker but isn’t it relationship of convenience ??How long? Where is the end??a bonding for mutual benefit how commercialized !!In vogue again right?an instant reply to this wud be its natural ,accepted its natural but does this natural therapy give peaceful night ?why are u busy  deleting msgs from your cell phone and  call logs

On top of that they don’t even want to loose what they permanently have their spouse, where are we heading? want both of our hands to be filled. each couple have fightby this  they create space and let the third person enter but doesn’t that third  person has mind to analyze and stay away rather then making this  gap wide
There can be many justifications but no explanations fair enough
There is strength in being loyal
There is no fear from anyone is a good feel to feel god
Don compete in being bad, be an inspiration in being good it last long!

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