Tuesday 6 September 2011

Emotionalism is no crime :)

P.S- This is for all those who thinks  being emotional is  silly and out of fashion in todays world.Being practical is what takes you to top .I  disagree ,because I love my tears  along with my smile ….and its your feeling and emotion only which gives you reason to be human ,,proud to be emotional girl   .

Have you?????

Did you ever experience, someone’s palm on your forhead, while you are in mid of sleep?
Did you ever come across a bright morning when with your half opened eyes you see a smiling face lovingly looking at you?
Did you feel the warmth in your heart when you get your morning tea in bed?
Do you know the joy of holding hand secretly??
Do you know all your worries can come to an end just by a real tight hug?
Do you know some sweet nothing whispering  can makes your day?
Have you ever experienced surprise kiss in mid of serious discussion,
At times someone’s presence is just enough to give adequate strength ,to fight out odds of life,
Have you ever stopped and slowed down your walk, to walk with some one who was walking behind you since long ?
Did you ever think of giving back that “priceless gift “of true feelings that u kept getting from people who really loved you?
If you don’t experience pain, you can never know joy of smile
There is no fun in being” Emotionally unavailable “

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1 comment:

  1. emotionally unavaible u are not...just emotioanlly disturbed.....
    but a good post... i loved it...found it the best till now! :)
