Sunday 5 June 2011

Sleepless nights

Night is a time ...which make you alone ..or rather more with yourself,u cant lie u cant give execuses as if u had been caught red handed by your own conscious,i feel guit of doing lot of things and at the same time guilt of not doing lot of things...past is gone..but effect remains comes out in darkness,it scares me ,it makes me culprit just refuses tolisten to my side of story. i need crowd ,when i m alone ,bad memories surround me and those dark cloud makes me shake with fear...that lonilness ,that guilt kills me .

i cant sleep ,some back ground pics keep floating in front of my eyes..those screams ,houling ,crying echoes loudly,those blames ,accuses personifies it self.and telll me u r bad ,u r wicked...i try to save my self but i dont know why i give up...???what i got what i lost ,i was not in sane mind to evaluate ,but..all i know the effect wud take long to go,pain is miserable ,cant explain.....

i go back to those arguments ,those fights then start evaluating was i always wrong and he right???

standing in rain drenched up full,i want to wash out those memories...but they mange to stay..and disturb me as they get opportunity.....enoughi cant handle more...i feel like getting locked in a dark room funny but i wanna dance ,cry out loud,shout scream,spin around ,shed my disappointments

Those undone crimes,Those stolen smile,Those complains

Those disasters,Those sad moments,those acute pain..

I will shed off everything in that room

Ahhh I will feel light!!!

I will be all right

I will be if not full of life then @ atleast would be empty to take what life offers

I am sure Dawn would knock my door.whole night there will be rain which will bloat my tears

I will be out with purity back,my lost innocence would be regaines…..but till then this weight on my soul ,doesnt let me sleep.......

at this dark night I feel alone,Wanna be alone

Don’t want to face anyone,Don’t want to talk to anyone

I get lost,I don’t know the way

I am sad......Realizing I m bad

Don’t know why...Don’t know where,sine when

No hope just fear

Tears a lot

Crying,sulking in heart

my world is spinning round but widout any base....

Why so negativity,why so disgust

Why life is puzzled

Why so many why???????????????/

1 comment:

  1. beautiful,emotional n very touching...!!!frm whr u get all these emotions.....???but really nice..i liked it...!!!
