Sunday 5 June 2011

                                        The Devil…….
Morality is not practical,it’s a gesture.a complicated gesture learned from books,its bad to lie but who doesn’t??? Only frequency varies,

Shocked I am but can”t deny the facts ,the change of thought process, I had  recently undergone ,how unfair of me it was to categorize people as good or bad ,it was damn easy infarct interesting to comment bad and badmouth people on basis of their few act. with flow of time ,as life has its own typical style to teach –when my own set of special  people (very special very close)got unfortunately indulged in what I wud have called  wrong otherwise ,I instead of speaking bad about them preferred an escape route and invented two new terms” Human Psychology” and” Situations” and helped myself in giving explanation why they did so ,

. i m quoting one old incident of my life “ once my close frns boyfrn broke off with her  after  he moved out of city saying distance love is not possible, at that time we made him villain and spoke all nonsense about him being infidel and all soon some years passed by we finished out college and moved out of city 4 job  I still hated that guy 4 breaking my friend heart , then one fine day another female friend of mine broke off her 6 year relationship with his boyfrn on account of job pressure n distance she was not able to maintain the expectations  being in  relationship after the change of city ,she told me its not working, distance love is not possible, lines were similar ,but I found logic in whatever she said ,and just that moment I apologized in my heart 4 all what bad I spoke about that x boyfriend of my childhood friend .cauz I cud actually connect ..and understand at times things go beyond right or wrong known as practicality .

 Sooner or later lot of dark shades of life came in my life some my experiences some of my friends and acquaintances. Things which I only read in novels or saw in movies I had to see in real life, I kept to be good and right …but never found any answer ,lot of questions in my mind raised which I cud never answer. I saw good and innocent people turning dark, and I couldn’t stop..

 A new thing exposed FEELINGS which no ways can be classified as good or bad, feeling are feelings, Damn stubborn, all right, wrong, moral, immoral takes backseat automatically with this stubborn female called feelings

 Strong desire to be liked ,loved ,admired ,that hunger of importance attention, lust of power money or fame often  has the power to take any one of us on the wrong side ,and unfortunately its not false ,it happens strong character and ability to control is must but each one of us have it differently ..these things give birth to devil inside us ,the feeling of jealous, dislike ,wickedness, mean attitude, selfishness  keeps on nurturing the devil ..if it gets strong it makes you wrong ..and nothing can endure..
So that wicked devil is there we cant do anything about it, but surely should try not to make it strong ..

Life is complicated and I really have many questions in mind, all I have seen, realized and felt bad was my good people turned dark….!!!!,And seeing them, as majority wins we made those  thing as normal…

Well I wanted to write something else and ended up wid completely different context all I know is now, I know no body is good or bad. What matters is this fact whether the devil in him is weak or strong at that particular moment and then big question is “.is devil a devil now or its commonly accepted as a normality “ I truly have no clue…

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