Wednesday 20 July 2011

Changes and Replacements !!!!!

                                                                                                      Nothing is as it was 

My most proud possession was my ROOM
My  same room where a lot has changed , but it still gives me same warm feeling , during my 11th standard  getting my room was big deal  and a big dream come true!!!!i loved it and sharing it with my lil one was also not much problem …now there are no more shahrukh posters ….The cot near the window from where I looked at  rain and stared at  endless  stars  is replaced by bed …..Diaries slam books  and my color pens  under the thin  old mattress   has also vanished …bcz the desk top has quite replaced  writing with  pen ,those small –small teddies are also not here ..Cards I have put back to bag in alma rah …yes the songs are still same but mode has changed from radio to computer, the Audio cassette  shelf is filled with Sydney Sheldon, Jackie Collinis ,Robin Crook   novels ,Landline phn on the window shelf is missed!!!!am I too old fashioned ?the big mirror  which I see most when I cry remains there ….that chart which defined rules to enter my room was torn when I started breaking my own rules ..
                                                         Lying on that cot I have gone through various emotions, I laughed like mad with my frns  I cried, alone,i studied with amita,,may be with time I develop  my attachment with this bed also but for now I  miss my  uncomfortable cot
Remember  there was  a time  when expressing feelings was   damn tough .saying  I love you  took years  to come out of mouth  and now I love u is like thank you ..It comes so naturally to us, how fast things are loosing the real worth …..And similarly the taste of it too is not as sweet as it use to be ,

Words like sweetheart, honey, darling are they any how exceptional, don’t we say to anyone and everyone …why things are getting so common and easy going they are loosing their charm..i call sweetheart even to my best friend as well as my face book frn with whom I hardly even exchanged looks  during long ten years in school but now we comment on each other status lovingly ,I don’t say its bad .this sweetness is good ,but isn’t it too artificial ???and has short life ?do you get same warmth when u hug  with broad smile without any actual feeling in heart ……getting good in copy was an event to be celebrated by an ice-cream with papa   and now  appraisal in salary is backed by frustration  of increasing petrol rates no time to celebrate ..Where are those small –little happiness vanished???at times as a punishment we were made to stand out side class and our secret prayer use to be least ppl should see us …we looked down and at times the embarrassing  scolding from teacher brought tears ..and now  one lecture from  boss and we curse under breath or wait 4 our  chance to hit back even if fault lies with us and we know it…reality is missing ,purity is lost ,even the word seems to perish soon …
                                                                   Birth day treats at Mickey shop –those patties and Pepsi –I wonder what was special in them??Why we all loved it so much...Cycle-scoot y-car –language in driving seat changed …changes are not always good but essential for survival …lot Of things have changed but still the impact of what it was wud always remain ...

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