Sunday 24 July 2011

“You are Good girl, Great human being and innocent soul..”.she lived up hearing all this since  her childhood, when she didn’t even knew meaning of these words properly, but it always made her feel good  and she started considering herself as queen of goodness ,and behaving the same !!!!Time passed, she grew up, situations changed, people around changed, their mentality changed surroundings changed she too changed but her perception about herself remained UNCHANGED,"i am very good girl" this continued but reality strikes dreams the coin of hope fouls.....some time later few strange kind of feelings  popped up in her heart  at times she felt selfish,selfcentered,egotist,mean,jealous ,evil back bitted (but never Backstabbing)inconsisitency,she was surprised arre!!!!everyone says I am a good girl how come evil dwell in me ,but by closing your eyes you cant stop what’s happening around you, those feelings remained there and continued to grow ,she preferred believing they don’t exist ,and was happy I n her world of BEING GOOD

People pointed her about her other side too, she dint pointblank refused to accept it but reluctantly kept it, but her believe was so firm that nothing could shake that,

Its not so that she never accepted what she did wrong ,she did but it has always been difficult process but at the same time she never blamed others for what went wrong in her relationship with them, she  always looked what I could have done to better it,(that’s how good girl thinks rite J)

Its damn difficult to make someone understand you easier process is you understand them and make life simple, following this life philosophy she almost lost what was her own opinion, her likes, her dislikes, her preference, she became like who so ever she is with..Just to be that ppl should like her ..

She was feeling good for being called good, but something in her was diminishing gradually, she was trying to make every one happy around but it never happened ..Probably now she knows that it never Happens,every time some or the other got angry from her and she was all set to woe that person up, who so ever she/he is and explaining and promising to take care of it next time but that was impractical …..she still tried ,tried and tried and failed& collapsed  got in foul mood and badly upset she cried terribly on her failure….it was she  who made people expect so much from her now why to feel bad if same people reciprocated badly when their expectations were not fulfilled, she got tired, felt  harassed, and kind of cheated …same people who called her Good now named her Selfish,Wicked,Dual faced, pretender bla bla bla…it was too hurting to take so to make them change their opinion she once again got back to stubborn attitude of proving all of them wrong and prove back she is good and would remain ….in process of proving this she went out of the way and crossed all her limits had been truly harsh to herself ,but when when she could please one, other got annoyed, she was turning dark and wasn’t able to handle this darkness

Time Passed her tears too got dried, heavy heart got light, one fine day while watering her plants she thought what went wrong????Where is that good girl, where is that good human being, where Is that  purity of heart and finally is there any innocence left??what a great loss,how it collapsed,was I at fault,something in her answered “YES” because the moment you decided to keep up this compliment of being good you ran without thinking  after it blindly …You are a normal human being like any other you too have a heart ,and like others you too have natural evil feelings  at times ,its normal .
Instead of lying to yourself work upon that evil part, if one hurt himself/herself to make others happy its unfair and injustice. If you are not happy you can never make others happy and those who love you would automatically get happy seeing you smiling, and for rest its not worth, there is nothing wrong in being selfish..provided you are not harming anyone.
There is nothing wrong in expecting back for what you give, it’s perfectly normal if you want your credit of doing something…

And  People being good doesn’t mean some one is fool ,and you can take advantage of it ,its just a gesture that ,person cares for you …so stop acting wicked and respect HER for her goodness.

One day you’re gonna want her. That girl that knew she wasn’t perfect, but tried to be for you. That girl who wanted nothing more than to be there for you, and loving you was the only way she could. The girl who sees your flaws, but values them as much as your strengths. That girl who still can’t bring herself to hate you, even though sometimes you probably deserve it. The girl that should have you, but doesn’t.” 

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