Wednesday 23 May 2012

Refresh angle

    Sometimes loss of meaningful conversation makes you biased in your perception .even while encountering reality we tend to close our Eyes. I admit It has been unfair on my part to favor on basis of gender through my writing  . i realized feelings are not dependent on being a male or female its individuality that ,matters ..not the softness of hand but softness of heart matters!!!!

Truth is not always what you want to hear, it not always bitter too
Tears not always mean misery
Silence not always means “YES”
Feminity not always means liking babies or flowers
Love happens once is “out of course”
Being lonely can be a choice
Best support system not necessarily means opposite sex
Thinking of some one doesn’t necessarily mean missing that some one
Moving on doesn’t always mean moving Away

There is always  an  exception to  rules 

  Thinking while driving can be” injurious to health” but who cares
Often injurious things allure. And  strange connection thread takes you from one end of corner to other...not always serious discussions can be meaningful but at times the most craziest talk brings out the fact that lived deep inside you and you didn’t even realize that even this is one of yours shade. We Human being  are mystry.we keep on living with a fixed thought for us  and some one suddenly comes and shakes our world and make us surprise bcz of  his/her presence oozes out a part of us even we were un known ,sometime positive sometime negative . ..Unnamed Relationship are best..cauz they don’t demand…
refresh mind  sees new angle .
you care to listen because the person has no vested interest in you .
Most of what I pen down  is my observation around me they take me to different world of contradictions  and I just put down  all I have in my clumsy  mind, not always there is solution but there are different strings  attached to it ..Modern world is an expensive place to stay in all prospective .
 Endless lies we tell our self .and we even convince  that its not lie …as per us  life has made us very strong and practical .with previous experiences ,of course it did .but you know what - every time we are hurt again it pains similar as first time , we may learn to be less expressive about it but pain doesn’t lower down ever …every broken relationship breaks a lil part within us, never to be healed again its like suppose your knee cap gets broken it is replaced  by the new artificial organ .it  fits in well and works better then Real . but you know its not real. similarily  that broken part within you  learns to function but   that vacuum is always there .we gotta accept it …
Habit of blaming our self for whatever goes wrong in our relationship with second person .and come up with solace line that I deserved it, I am too difficult, too complicated  ,he/she tried but I couldn’t handle ,or I acted weird . it so because we don’t want that person to be called wrong even to our self because that soul is so special to us that we choose  not to  see his/her side wrong and to justify that we take all the blame on our head ,
Often we think what we could have done to ease the situation, but not what she/he could have done .we say the other person tried but never realize that we almost killed our self to make it work but no body bothered even to notice it. Our reactions mattered not their actions
 Long time back some one said to me ,hearing No is not easy ,you need to have big heart to take no  to which i replied even saying "No is not easy" . But now i say  saying NO is not  fun but hearing NO is absolutely  not done  .handling rejection is just not easy .two letters N and O changes your life depends on which side of table you  are, receiving end or giving side …
If some one wants to go, Let him/her.And know it, there was no strength in your bonding, better now then later ,
you might stop the tear at eye corner or edge but cant control your mind  not flashback
Those” sweet Lines” which dragged you to get close when you had no such intention !
Those eyes which expressed immense love and  same pair of eye shows disgust
 Who never stopped from complimenting you now only knows your worst.
.Moving out turns so difficult since you had submerged yourself so deep in it ..You trusted those eyes those words and more over you believed in the word FOREVER.. lol thinking of this word I cant help giving a sarcastically smile …and lil beap J
The eyes which desperately use to search you, now avoids to look at you
One who followed you now changes his way if by chance sees you
To whom you meant the world, now you are out of his world
And you don’t even know why
Pain is not being abandoned pain is not knowing the reason specially from the one who knows your weakness about it
At times old conversation makes you smile and suddenly tiptoed feeling of humiliation comes it feels like you have been mocked upon and then suddenly “miss goodness” prevails and says “No No he/she hasn’t changed his /her situations made him do it .once agin my favourite dialog “ one who loves you truly would do anything to get you ,irrespective of any situation and circumstances “ never make way for any one to return ..let the other person do it…
At times we all come across a  situation when we need a push to move ahead because we want to but we are not able to.lil push  can help us move  away if not move on ..
Worst is when you go blank with your dreams ,that is when you know yourdreams but cant see any one who can fit in that dreams and you find yourself  unfit for anyone’s dream…..
Its not about being a man or a woman ….it can is the one who has loved more
Because my theory says love is never equal on both sides …its always more at one end
So who has more would suffer more J
Because that lilleftover that stays
Often tickles ,disturbs, engulfs  : your  NOW 

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